This short is a short film that I worked on with footage that I licensed from Editstock. This short was a good exercise in focusing on trying to build a character and has some good emotional development for the main character Nicholas. The story follows Nicholas who is a dishwasher at a restaurant in New York  on a quest to deliver good tortillas for his chef that he is trying to impress. Along the way Nicholas struggles with letting family and friends down because of the high standards he is held to at work but mostly those that he imposes on himself.

In this short film my favorite scene to edit was the dialogue scene between Nicholas and his Grandmother. This scene is in Spanish which was fun for me to be able to practice my experience speaking Spanish while trying to keep the emotion of the scene flowing knowing I would need to have subtitles. This was a little bit of a challenge because I wanted to keep the pacing where I wanted it but didn't want to go too fast and lose the story in subtitles that moved too quickly.
Shot of Premiere Pro showing the timeline while getting the subtitles timed to the video.
Image of my sequence with subtitles in place while I was trying to make sure timing on this works.
For this project I took a little bit of a different approach to organizing my audio tracks in Pro Tools. Even though this short had a decent amount of scene changes I opted to keep all dialogue and effects tracks grouped together for the entire short film. Usually I would get scenes organized by scene so that I can just work on each track for that scene. I mostly did this to save time this time for this short so that I could get this finished in a shorter amount of time.
Organizing my audio in Pro Tools to mix the audio.
Getting audio organized in Pro Tools.
A challenge that I had on this short was trying to add an amount of pressure from the chef throughout the short. While most of the time pressure comes from the Nicholas needing to return with Tortillas in hand. At the beginning of the short it was hard to find that performance of adding the pressure that I was looking for. Instead I leaned more on the voicemails of the chef to help add that pressure during the cooking montage.

Even with the challenge above I still feel good about this short and it was a lot of fun to work on. Working in a second language was fun and keeping the pacing throughout the short was also a good exercise to work on.