This is a scene that I edited with footage that I licensed from Editstock to continue to sharpen my skills as an editor.

This project was fun to work on in terms of the different ways that the scenes could be organized. For this short you could take some of the scenes and re-arrange them in different ways to change the flow of the plot. An example of this is the scene that I placed at the beginning where Ethel is knitting, this scene was intended to appear later in the film but I felt that it served as a scene that should come after the opening where she is trying to solve the problem of not being able to stay at the Nursing Home.

For this short I used my process of organizing footage on different video layers where my favorite takes are placed on the top layer and then they are placed on the timeline in a descending order. I really like this method which I first tried in my edit of The Jacuzzi, this method has made it much easier to come back to a project and visually be able to see immediately how I felt about a particular take on the timeline. This helps out a lot because it reduces the time that I need to be able to track how I felt about a particular shot. I can then refer back to my notes that I make in the metadata.